Book Recs dinosaur with book logo

The Only Survivors

Megan Miranda's writing is tense and atmospheric, creating a sense of unease that permeates the entire book. The pacing is excellent, with just enough suspense to keep the reader guessing Read more...

Posted by on May 1, 2023

Indigenous Voices & Experiences: A Reading List for Teens

We hope these selections serve to educate, celebrate, and encourage dialogue on the diverse nations, cultures, and experiences of Native peoples throughout North America. Celebrate Native American Heritage Month—and continue Read more...

All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys’ Soccer Team

Twelve Thai boys and their soccer coach bike out to a cave to explore. What they couldn’t have planned on was the rain that would flood the cave in the Read more...

Posted by on June 16, 2022

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: Donner Dinner Party

Nathan Hales’ Hazardous Tales: Donner Dinner Party breaks down this squeamish story from history in a way that’s both historically accurate and child friendly. This graphic novel tells the story Read more...

The Art of Inventing Hope: Intimate Conversations with Elie Wiesel

Howard Reich, the son of two Holocaust survivors and a journalist for the Chicago Tribune, was assigned by the paper in 2012 to interview one of the world’s most well-known Read more...

Posted by on January 21, 2021

Wild Bird

“3:47 a.m. That’s when they arrive for Wren Clemmens. She’s hustled out of her house and into a waiting car, then a plane, and then taken on a forced march Read more...

Posted by on January 9, 2020

The Butterfly Garden

Everyone has a fascination with something, be it mechanisms, cars, animals, food; the Butterfly Garden is the story about a man’s fascination with butterflies. As normal of a concept as Read more...

A Quiet Place

The concept of an angry invading alien force has always been a terrifying concept, I mean hello, War of the Worlds? But an angry invading alien force that kills everything Read more...

Posted by on July 12, 2018


Pax, a pet fox, has been inseparable from his boy, Peter, ever since he found him at only a few weeks old. When Peter’s father enlists in the war and Read more...

Posted by on March 14, 2018

The Bunker Diary

Though it is not for the faint of heart, [this story] is for readers who enjoy twisted characters, heaping spoonfuls of symbolism, and self reflection.

Posted by on February 9, 2017

Book Recs