
The Westmont Public Library will be changing its fiscal year from May 1 – April 30 to January 1 – December 31. The FY24/2 budget is May 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. The FY25 budget will be January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.

Operating Budget

Current fiscal year

Previous fiscal years

Levy Requests

The Westmont Public Library Board of Trustees approves an annual levy request that is included in the Village of Westmont’s levy ordinance and submitted to DuPage County.

Current fiscal year

Budget and Appropriations

As required by Illinois law, the Westmont Public Library Board of Trustees approves an annual appropriation that restricts expenditures to designated purposes within a specific period of time.

Current fiscal year

Previous fiscal years

Annual Financial Audit

Latest fiscal year

Previous fiscal years

Bids and Proposals

The Westmont Public Library is seeking requests for proposals for a capital needs assessment.

Public Act 101-0504

In accordance with Public Act 101-0504, which amended the Illinois Pension Code, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) is required to post information about employee costs and participation information on its website. IMRF will update these reports annually.

Public Act 97-609

In accordance with 5 ILCS 120/7.3, information pertaining to benefits offered through the Illinois Municipal Retirement fund are available at the Westmont Public Library’s Administration Office and here.

Prevailing Wage

The Westmont Public Library adheres to all requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act.