Natural Cleaning cover

index1One of my goals this year is to reduce the chemicals used in my house.  At first I thought it would be difficult, but it’s not any different to pour vinegar, water, and a little lemon essential oil into my bucket to clean my floor than it is to pour a commercial cleaner. I have been using reusable wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. I’ve found my clothes dry faster and the dryer sheets aren’t going into a landfill.  I have added a little lavender essential oil on the balls to scent the clean clothes.

My 13-year-old daughter wanted to make some homemade facial products. Using a recipe from Homemade beauty: 150 simple beauty recipes made from all-natural ingredients by Annie Strole, she mixed peppermint Castile soap, salt, and little water together to make a refreshing facial cleanser.

If you need some inspiration to reduce chemicals in your home, here are some suggested books:

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