Divergent? I don’t know what took me so long. I generally have a rule about reading a book before seeing the movie so I had to pick up Divergent before its March 21 arrival in theaters.

It is a fantastic book. While it is written for a young adult audience, the story has deeply disturbing undertones that will make even adults think about the concept long after they put the book down. The premise is that society is divided into five factions. Everyone within their faction dresses and acts exactly the same. When Beatrice takes a test that should determine which faction she will fit into, she discovers she is one of the few people who are “divergent,” meaning they don’t fit the required mold for any one faction. The rest of the story unfolds rapidly as, piece by piece, the cracks in the system begin to show and factions start turning on each other.

For those who are left wanting more, check out Allegiant (book 3).

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