Under the Dome cover


I realize all the new fall shows have started, but I still have a recommendation for binge watching. novel by Stephen King that places the fictional town of Chester’s Mill under a sealed, transparent dome. As residents do their best to come to terms with their new reality, the best and the worst shows through. Warning: a lot of people die. This is not a feel-good show. It is also highly ridiculous and hard to imagine ever being a reality. If you put aside the obvious implausibility, it makes for fun watching.

The plot moves forward at a surprisingly rapid pace. Although viewers will probably have to wait until the end of the series to find out exactly what or who is controlling the dome and why Chester’s Mill was chosen as its victim, answers are revealed every week that make you feel like you aren’t completely in the dark. I recommend checking out a copy of the DVD and hunkering down with some popcorn for an evening of watching. I promise- you won’t want to stop after just one episode!

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