Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1) cover

“Look to the stars. Aim. Ignite.”

Nerd and fan-girl extraordinaire Elle Wittimer lives and breathes Starfield, her favorite science fiction world. Growing up in the shadow of her stepsisters and stepmother, Starfield is her escape. As the remake of the Starfield movie approaches and catches attention, the fandom comes to life again. Elle, however, has to balance her fan life – including a secret blog dedicated to the greatest fandom in the galaxy – and her home life, with her horrible stepmother and stepsisters. Oh, and she also needs to navigate her job at The Magic Pumpkin, a vegan food truck with a coworker who hates her. Throw in a handsome actor who is secretly a fanboy, an ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball, a contest, and multiple pop-culture references, and you’ve got the nerd party of the year.

Amidst a plethora of movie and fairytale retellings, Geekerella delivers a new, fresh take on the classic Cinderella story.

With its constant pop culture references and teen vernacular, it envelopes the reader in the Starfield and ExcelsiCon world while making it feel comfortable and familiar. Full of teenage romance and friendships, this LGBTQ friendly book includes a wide range of diverse characters, giving representation to traditionally marginalized groups. Elle is a fantastic narrator, funny and full of passion for Starfield, and so relate-able that the reader can’t help but react to her horrible stepmother. Darien Freeman, the perfect Prince Carmindor, is everything a teenage heartthrob should be – handsome, funny, and so, so sweet. A lover of fairytales will absolutely fall for this series and want to come back for more!

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