Charley Davidson Series by Darynda Jones!

First, this series is very funny. Snort aloud funny. The main character, Charley, is a PI who can see dead people. In fact, she helps usher the dead to their eternal home. She is, in fact, the grim reaper. This combination of professions frequently puts her in harm’s way, but she manages to get through it all with only a few scars.

Charley shows major pluck in the first book,

In the sequel, Second Grave on the Left, Charley deals with trying to grasp the true nature of the dark entity, now discovered to be an imprisoned man, Reyes Farrow, who can somehow travel into Charley’s dreams. As she continues to discover the extent of her powers, Charley finds herself falling into a dangerous trap in order to save Reyes from harm.

Fifth Grave Past the Light, was just released on July 9 and I have yet to get my hands on a copy. Now that my enjoyment of this series is out in the open, I will read book five with pride. I hope you will too!


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