The Kill Lock cover

Four robot criminals, an addict, a solider, a murderer and a child; are bound together with the Kill Lock. If one of them dies, the rest die as well.

Their only hope is to work together to survive while searching for a cure.

The Kill Lock is a lavishly illustrated graphic novel about four criminals who have to work together to survive. Despite the science fiction setting the story is more science fantasy, depicting a highly regimented society concerned with purity and purging heresy. The robots are anthropomorphized (why else would there be a robot addict or a robot child?), the whole thing is mostly metaphor.

But it’s quite interesting, alluding to a larger, richer setting and establishing a compelling, somber tone.

And as mentioned above, the art is quite beautiful.

The Kill Lock is recommended to fans of thoughtful moral explorations and people who enjoy gorgeous, imaginative artwork.

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