The Girl from Widow Hills cover

Waking up – from the middle of a dream – you wonder, what just happened? Where am I? Are you in a dream state or sleepwalking? Your thoughts freeze you in place. It’s frightening down to your bones. You think, If I remain right where I am, I can remember. Or can you?

“The police are asking for assistance in locating six year old Arden Maynor, missing late last night or early today.” This message appeared on all the media on October 17, 2000. It was an intense time for Arden all those years ago – she was found three days later clinging to a grate down in a storm drain.

Flash forward years later in 2020, hundreds of miles away from the scene in Willow Hills where Arden had buried her past. She has since changed her name and moved away, bringing her the much needed distance from her controlling mother. Gratefully, as Olivia Meyer, she no longer suffers from sleepwalking which the doctors diagnosed as part of her PTSD.

When a box appears on her doorstep one morning with items belonging to her deceased mother, old thoughts chillingly resurface as Olivia realizes that the 20th anniversary of this horrible event approaching. How did authorities find out where she was living and that her name had changed? Who else could know her secrets since she has been so silent about her life with her current friends and coworkers?

It is not until Olivia stumbles over a dead body in her front yard one night that she realizes not only does she know this person from those years ago, but she is now the central person of interest in the case. As the flashback-fueled horror escalates, she cannot discern if she is sleepwalking or awake. As the darkness of her life closes in even her friends cannot be trusted.

Author Megan Miranda, whose earlier book The Last House Guest was a Reese’s Book Club Selection, has crafted a creepy, twisted crescendo of drama for her readers, with a climax not to be guessed in The Girl from Widow Hills.

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