Digital camera and drawing tablet in front of computer

Additional creative resources

Find inspiration from these online craft- and creativity-focused Library resources:

Libby mascot with Overdrive icon

Crafting magazines on Libby (Overdrive)

The Libby app from Overdrive is your source for current and back issues of popular crafting magazines.


Enjoy more than 1,000 online art & craft video classes taught by designers and artists. Creativebug’s classes cover everything from drawing and sketching to sewing and bookbinding.


Improve your skills and explore new interests with Gale Presents: Udemy, an online learning platform offering on-demand, professionally-taught video courses in business, technology, design, and more.

Kanopy logo

Movies about the arts on Kanopy

Get inspired with streaming films about the arts on your computer, mobile device, or smart TV.

Please note that Kanopy is not searchable via the online catalog.