Fine free

Our fine free policy

  • Items checked out at Westmont Public Library do not accrue overdue fines (late fees).
  • You remain responsible for any bills for lost or damaged items and collection agency fees, if applicable.
  • Westmont Public Library cardholders are still subject to late fees at other libraries.

Overdue items and your account

  • Your Library account will be blocked when any item checked out at Westmont Public Library is more than 14 days overdue. This applies to all patrons who check out items at Westmont Public Library. If an item is overdue:
    • You will receive an overdue notice at 7 days and 21 days overdue.
    • Your account will be blocked at 14 days overdue.
    • You will be billed for “lost” items at 42 days overdue.
    • Accounts will go to collections at 60 days overdue.
    • Once overdue items are returned (or a lost item is paid for), your account will be automatically unblocked.
  • Accounts with balances of $10 or greater will be blocked.

Frequently asked questions

  • Does this mean I can keep my checkouts indefinitely?
    Items still have specific checkout periods, and renewable materials can still be renewed up to 2 times if there are no holds. Items will still be overdue if not returned on or before their due date.
  • What about the money the Library loses if late fees are no longer assessed?
    Fine revenue has not been a significant source of library funding. 96% of our revenue comes from property taxes. The revenue generated from fines was a very small part of the Library’s budget. 
  • Will my taxes go up?
    Your taxes will not increase because of the Library eliminating late fees.