Book Recs dinosaur with book logo

Death on Nantucket

With summer not far away, it’s nice to think about selecting a few good books for your “to-read pile” that you can take the time to enjoy, especially if it Read more...

Posted by on June 12, 2017

Universal Harvester

  Jeremy’s job at the Video Hut in Nevada, Iowa just got a whole lot more interesting. One of the regular customers has returned complaining of weird footage in the Read more...

Posted by on April 17, 2017

Arthur & George

“Who do you think you are, Sherlock Holmes?” As Arthur and his loyal assistant Woodie investigate the sinister case of animal “rippings” that sent an innocent man to prison, people Read more...

Posted by on March 27, 2017

The Passenger

When I found my husband at the bottom of the stairs, I tried to resuscitate him before I ever considered disposing of the body…I pretended to be weighing my options. Read more...

Posted by on March 22, 2017

Behind Closed Doors

I often like to try new authors to see how their stories come to life from the brief summary given in a book release or promotion. When I read Behind Closed Read more...

Posted by on November 1, 2016

Slade House

Not everything—or everyone—is what it seems in this trippy treat of a horror novel by David Mitchell, also known for Cloud Atlas and The Bone Clocks. True to form, Mitchell Read more...

Posted by on October 25, 2016

The Wolf Among Us

Once upon a time, in a land called New York City, there was a secret community in the village of Brooklyn. This community was called Fabletown, and it was populated Read more...

Posted by on October 25, 2016

Book Recs