I Want to Be a Doctor cover

After a painful landing from the top bunk due to an attempt at flying, Jack takes a trip to the emergency room with his mom, dad, and older sister. While still wearing his superhero cape, Jack is seen by various doctors and health workers. His older sister realizes that she may like to be a doctor someday, and she spends the visit learning all about the different specializations that doctors can have. While the story uses simplified names, such as bone doctor or baby doctor, a glossary in the back gives the official terms.

There are no frightening images of illness or injury in this book for beginning readers.  A few tears from the injured boy are the only hint of any real pain or sickness. The colorful illustrations by Catalina Echeverri show a group of patients, visitors, and hospital employees that is wonderfully diverse in race, age, gender, and body shape. At the end of the day, Jack leaves the hospital with a special boot and crutches, and his sister leaves with a greater understanding of an important topic. This is a simple story that packs in a lot of information with illustrations that depict refreshingly diverse supporting and background characters.

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