Once conductors on the Underground Railroad, Hetty Rhodes and her husband, Benjy, now seek to find a new use for their cunning skills and their magic. Living in Philadelphia, everyone knows that when something goes sideways and magic is involved, Hetty and Benjy are their best option, especially when it comes to crimes the white authorities have no interest in investigating. With a cold-blooded killer stalking the neighborhood threatening poor and rich alike, it will take all their daring, cunning, and magic to keep their neighbors and themselves safe.

The Conductors is a debut novel by Nicole Glover and the first in this historical fantasy series. A mix of urban fantasy, historical fiction, and crime thriller, it has a little something for everyone. Glover has a meticulous eye for historical detail and has created an incredibly vibrant setting and cast of characters. The sigil magic which draws power from the constellations offers an interesting twist on some of the more traditional magic systems seen in fantasy novels.

An excellent choice for readers who enjoy alternate histories as well as historical mysteries. Recommended for readers of authors such as Lyndsy Faye, Zen Cho, and Alix E. Harrow.

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