Mouse Mansion cover

mousemansionEach week, I feel privileged to share some beautiful, fun, and educational picture books with large groups of children in our storytimes here at the Westmont Library.  Lately, though, a book captured my attention that needs one-on-one caregiver to child ratio to truly be enjoyed.

Mouse Mansion by Karina Schaapman tells the tale of the everyday routines and adventures of Julia and Sam, two best mice friends who live in separate apartments of the 100+ room Mouse Mansion. The stories are short and simple, but the photographs are amazing.  In fact, opportunities abound for children to make up their own imaginative stories.  The author has created a house built of cardboard and papier-mâché, and filled it with hand-made miniatures and tiny felted mice.  She then photographed the rooms to illustrate the mice friends’ adventures.  The detail in the pages will delight anyone interested in doll houses, models, or the miniature world.

This is the perfect picture book for the coffee table since it can be picked up and randomly explored for any length of time.  An adult can enjoy this book on their own, but if you are fortunate enough to have a child to share books with, give this one a try.  Sometimes a book is just a time to sit together and enjoy each other’s company, but sometimes a book can be a starting point for unlimited fun, adventure, and learning.  Read and explore this one together.  Play I Spy.  You may even be inspired to create your own miniature world to house your own imaginative stories.

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