Hyperbole and a Half cover

Whenever I am supposed to be doing something that is extremely, extremely important (like, whoa), I like to binge read web comics instead. BuzzFeed came out with a definitive list of “42 Web Comics You Need to Read” which includes a wide variety of styles and content that will appeal to everyone of all age groups. (Side note: Adults, you’ve GOT to check out the horror comic “Bongcheon-Dong Ghost” because it’s so WRONG the way those artists startle you. Gah! Shouldn’t this amount of sheer terror be illegal?)

But the web comic that’s closest to my heart is Allie Brosh’s “Hyperbole and a Half.” I just love her blunt, funny, straightforward, and sometimes dark honesty. She tells it like it is, and her crude artwork resembles a child’s whose social filters and verbal propriety are nonexistent. She tackles difficult topics such as depression, self-awareness, and growing up to be a responsible adult. She also shares random, hilarious situations like the behavioral problems of her disobedient dogs, and the time a goose entered her home, intent on holding her hostage and murdering her like savage geese are wont to do.

Brosh published her work in a book that features new material and some of the content found on her blog: Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happened.

I hope you enjoy your new-found procrastination technique that I’m sure will land you in as much trouble as I find myself. I promise it’s worth it, though. Now, off to do something that is extremely, extremely important . . .


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