I “Relished” Every Minute cover

I have a love/hate relationship with graphic novels. On the one hand, they are fun to read and I can usually finish one off in about an hour.  On the other hand, they are done so quickly that I feel ripped off when I complete one. I love getting snapshots into the escapades of the characters, but I feel so bereft when they are through.

When I picked up Relish: My Life in the Kitchen, by Lucy Knisley, I knew how it would go down. Sure enough, turning to that final page was bittersweet. Nevertheless, I do recommend that others enjoy this YA graphic novel which tells the story of a single child raised by her foodie parents in Manhattan. When she is seven, her parents divorce and she moves into the country with her mom. The trials of growing up a displaced city girl dealing with slaughtered chicken clean-up, mushroom picking, and working at the local farmers’ market are met with humor and determination. Not only is the story entertaining, Lucy includes her favorite family recipes (I will totally be making pickles this summer using her recipe!) and gourmet food advice (like how to select fancy cheese).  I loved it, and so will you!

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