Book Recs dinosaur with book logo

A Century of Reading: The 1940s

The defining event of the 1940s was, undoubtedly, World War II. These books offer insights into the lives, struggles, and triumphs of various people who lived through the war, both Read more...

Posted by on June 14, 2021

Immigrant and Refugee Experiences: A Reading List for Children and Families

We hope these selections serve to educate, and encourage a dialogue on topics of immigration and displacement, as well as spotlight immigrant and refugee experiences from a variety of places, perspectives, and backgrounds.

Posted by on August 2, 2020

They Shall Not Grow Old

The viewer watches as the British army march through the muck and stare at the camera as if it were some alien object, the likes of which they truly had Read more...

Posted by on June 18, 2019

Book Recs