Welcome to the world of Meadow Rain Cupples, a young college girl who’s life is utterly garbage. Kicked out of her apartment for needing to fix her vehicle, so she can keep getting paychecks from her job at a cleaning company, instead of paying rent, finding a new apartment is high priority. Thankfully when she sees an ad for a roommate in a better neighborhood, she loads all her belongings into her car and preps herself for one of the most important interviews in her life.

Meet Lauren, tall, gorgeous, super polite, all things pretty girls should be, but minus the snobby attitude. When Lauren all but demands she sign a temporary lease to become roomies, Meadow knows her life is starting to turn itself around.

Suddenly everything becomes fantastic, Lauren gives her clothes, a new hairstyle, new friends, everything an introvert could ask for, but Meadow begins questioning what’s the price for her new life. Which comes in the form of witnessing an affair between one of the cleaning company’s clients and someone from her new life. Deciding not to stand back and watch a family deteriorate, Meadow prepares to fight for something she’s never had, unbeknownst to her that she’s already in someone’s cross-hairs.

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