Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero cover

Isaiah Dunn is 10 years old, and it has not been an easy year for him.  His father passed away unexpectedly, and his mother is struggling at the bottom of a bottle, lost in her sadness.  Isaiah is trying to be a good brother and friend while dealing with homelessness, hunger, and getting in trouble at school.  A ray of hope shines from the journal he finds of stories his dad wrote.  The stories keep his father’s memory alive and also help guide his actions.  Isaiah is a poet, but the words aren’t flowing during his grief.  Will his words return to him with the help of a friend?

This story has an honesty to it.  Isaiah is dealing with amazingly hard problems but there is always hope that surrounds the character as he works to improve his situation.  He finds friendship and support where he least expects it and never stops loving those around him.  The poems included are a lovely addition to this 2025 Bluestem Award nominee.

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