Here and Gone cover

Audra Kinney is trying to escape her abusive husband. She packs her two children in the car, with as many belongings as she can gather, and starts driving west. While driving through Arizona, an unsettling small town sheriff pulls her over. Audra thinks things cannot get any worse when she is taken into custody, but this nightmare has only begun. When she asks about her children, Sheriff Whiteside only says two words: “What children?”.

This story is not for the faint of heart. Full of violence, language, and hard to handle subjects, Beck brings her reader into a world where a mother must fight to find her children. Details are unfolded from the points of view of Audra, Sheriff Whiteside, Deputy Collins, and Audra’s son Sean. Each have to battle their inner demons while simultaneously trying to survive each minute of the day. The material will make reader’s question their own morality and the morality of those around them. The book is raw and leaves the reader feeling as if they were Audra, desperate to get out of jail and find answers. Readers follow two main questions throughout the book: Where are Audra’s children and what do Whiteside and Collins want with them?


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