Harry Potter and the Cursed Child cover

19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, now the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, is struggling to balance his heavy workload and family life, and his scar has mysteriously started hurting again. Meanwhile, Harry’s son Albus must live in Harry’s shadow at school and the pressure to live up to Harry’s legacy is crushing. When Amos Diggory asks Harry to use a recently discovered Time Turner to save his son, Cedric, Albus takes on the challenge instead, risking the lives of everyone he loves attempting to be a hero like Harry.

This novelized play script is meant to be seen, not read, and at times reads as glorified fanfiction. Thorne struggles to capture the essence of the characters, with some coming across as caricatures of their former selves and none feeling wholly authentic. The conflict that exists between Harry and Albus in particular is understandable yet lacks believability. As a whole, the story lacks the nuance and rich detail of the series, is slow to build momentum, and doesn’t seem to fully address the thematic interests of either adults or children. This story is best for moderate, older fans who are willing to look past its many flaws.

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