If you had the chance to alter your future by switching identities with a total stranger – would you do it?

Claire,  married into a powerful political family, is desperate to find a way out of her marriage and her present life. Behind closed doors, she is threatened and abused by her husband, with all of her movements and decisions monitored by staff loyal to the family. She has become a prisoner in a stately home seemingly with no chance of escape. But she has been planning her exit for some time –  with an old friend no one else knows about.

Claire’s painstakingly detailed plan crumbles when her husband changes her travel schedule at the last minute, rerouting her to a different destination that she is not expecting. At the busy JFK Airport in New York, she encounters another traveler, Eva, who might change everything.

Overhearing Eva’s disturbing phone conversation with a caller, Claire sees the chance that she was waiting for! As Eva engages Claire in conversation, they talk casually about complications in their present life and how they wish it could be different. Immediately, both Claire and Eva have a glimpse of what an alternate future could be.  They are both thinking “What if -?”

A switch is made with the exchanging of tickets, articles of clothing and personal belongings, but fate has other plans for these determined women. Only one will remain to regain her life, this time on her own terms. This is the opportunity for one of them to start a new life. Who will it be, and at what cost to herself?

Author Julie Clark keeps the tension mounting throughout her novel, with glimpses of each woman’s back story, and how deep they are mired in their circumstances. Other titles which feature women reclaiming their futures would include The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve and Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown.

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